Friday 9 August 2013

I'm still 60....

Seems like the wight have stopped again, and I been carefull to switch up my kcal amount too *pout*
2 More days, and my sister will go back home. Gonna be alot easier then.
I'll miss her for sure tho <3 <3 sis

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Sneaking by~

I wasnt able to post yesterday.

I have lost 1 kg since the 1st of august, it might not be much, but I havent seen any loss for a year so I am extremely happy! 60 kg!

CW          60 kg
1st GW    58 kg
2nd GW   55 kg
3rd GW    52 kg

Since I got sick by the 200 kcal 2468 diet I have been adviced to do the healthy skinny girl diet first.
Important to switch up the kcal amount daily.

So I will give this a try. I might have to wait until sis go back home, but I will give it a try. I'll post if I can :)

Sunday 4 August 2013

Happy Birthday!

I wish her a lovely day! (My sister)

But with birthdays comes cakes.
I have been able to stay away from them so far today.

Had 1300 kcal yesterday. Going for 1200 today, I want to try the 2468 again, but I have to wait until next week when sis is not here. Maybe I can do a 600 - 800 - 1000 - 1200 and get away with it. Will try!

Saturday 3 August 2013

Day 3

I feel better today :)

I ate 1300 kcl yesterday. Going for 1200 today, taking it down slowly.
Yesterdays food:

Food    Breakfast      Lunch      Dinner
kcal        item
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
50          knekkebrød finn crisp
50          knekkebrød finn crisp
198        bolle med rosin
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
2            agurk skiver x2
1            salat blad
594        purke(OMG)
1218 kcal

kcal        item
0            water
84          cola
1302 kcal

Wight and measurements was the same as today. 61 kg 74 waist.
I took a Full Body Analysis Calculator. It sais I have Pear body shape and Large body frame *pouts*
but I guess I kind of already knew the, its no fun reading it though.
It sais my fat % is good though *happy*
Resting metabolism (RMR): 1417 kcal/day 59 kacl/hour

My sister will be here for a week, but I will do my best to be able to blog.

Friday 2 August 2013


I got really sick this morning. I was shaking like crazy when I woke up, went for a glass of water and felt really sick. Had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

I desided to eat a normal amount of kcal today. It will set me back one day...

Value    Kcal
1         You need 1 329,73 kcal for life function (My BMR)
1,2      You need 1 595,68 kcal for sitting still.
1,375  You need 1 828,38 kcal for calm exercise 1-3 times pr, week
1,55    You need 2 061,08 kcal for middle intensity exercise 3-5 times pr, week
1,725  You need 2 293,78 kcal for moderate intensity exercise every day.
1,9      You need 2 526,49 kcal for high intencity work/exercise every day.

I went with 1         You need 1 329,73 kcal for life function (My BMR) for today.
I think I might be low on Iron. I take multivitamin, but it does not contain any iron.

Also my sister is visiting this weekend so I'm not sure if I will be able to post, but I'll do my best. ;)

Times like this I need some thinspo!

Thursday 1 August 2013

My Goal Pants

15 years ago I was able to fit into any clothes I wanted and look good in it, but I got depressed for reasons I'm not going to utter here, I was put on antidepressant and after 2 years I had gained 20 kg (44 Ibs) 
The pills had messed up my metabolism big time. I chucked the pills a few years later since the wight gain just made me even more depressed. 

There is 10 years since I have seen my hip bones and had space between my thighs. I want them back! 
The last few years I have struggled off 10 kg (22 Ibs) although my metabolism is still messed up.  
My current wight is 61 kg (134 Ibs) my old wight, and goal is (114 Ibs) 
My wight reduction have stalled completely this last year. I have tried all the diets out there and I exercise every day.  

So I have looked to other solutions since the standard don't work anymore. I'm currently embarking on the 2468 diet... I plan on modifying it so that the end of the diet does not results in me gaining it all back. 
I imagine my whole process taking around a year, and I'm going to try and post every day.
I'm 165cm high, 27 years old. Current wight 61 kg, goal wight 52 kg.