Thursday 1 August 2013

My Goal Pants

15 years ago I was able to fit into any clothes I wanted and look good in it, but I got depressed for reasons I'm not going to utter here, I was put on antidepressant and after 2 years I had gained 20 kg (44 Ibs) 
The pills had messed up my metabolism big time. I chucked the pills a few years later since the wight gain just made me even more depressed. 

There is 10 years since I have seen my hip bones and had space between my thighs. I want them back! 
The last few years I have struggled off 10 kg (22 Ibs) although my metabolism is still messed up.  
My current wight is 61 kg (134 Ibs) my old wight, and goal is (114 Ibs) 
My wight reduction have stalled completely this last year. I have tried all the diets out there and I exercise every day.  

So I have looked to other solutions since the standard don't work anymore. I'm currently embarking on the 2468 diet... I plan on modifying it so that the end of the diet does not results in me gaining it all back. 
I imagine my whole process taking around a year, and I'm going to try and post every day.
I'm 165cm high, 27 years old. Current wight 61 kg, goal wight 52 kg.

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