Friday 2 August 2013


I got really sick this morning. I was shaking like crazy when I woke up, went for a glass of water and felt really sick. Had to run to the bathroom to throw up.

I desided to eat a normal amount of kcal today. It will set me back one day...

Value    Kcal
1         You need 1 329,73 kcal for life function (My BMR)
1,2      You need 1 595,68 kcal for sitting still.
1,375  You need 1 828,38 kcal for calm exercise 1-3 times pr, week
1,55    You need 2 061,08 kcal for middle intensity exercise 3-5 times pr, week
1,725  You need 2 293,78 kcal for moderate intensity exercise every day.
1,9      You need 2 526,49 kcal for high intencity work/exercise every day.

I went with 1         You need 1 329,73 kcal for life function (My BMR) for today.
I think I might be low on Iron. I take multivitamin, but it does not contain any iron.

Also my sister is visiting this weekend so I'm not sure if I will be able to post, but I'll do my best. ;)

Times like this I need some thinspo!

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