Saturday 3 August 2013

Day 3

I feel better today :)

I ate 1300 kcl yesterday. Going for 1200 today, taking it down slowly.
Yesterdays food:

Food    Breakfast      Lunch      Dinner
kcal        item
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
50          knekkebrød finn crisp
50          knekkebrød finn crisp
198        bolle med rosin
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
52,5       gulost skive
2            agurk skiver x2
1            salat blad
594        purke(OMG)
1218 kcal

kcal        item
0            water
84          cola
1302 kcal

Wight and measurements was the same as today. 61 kg 74 waist.
I took a Full Body Analysis Calculator. It sais I have Pear body shape and Large body frame *pouts*
but I guess I kind of already knew the, its no fun reading it though.
It sais my fat % is good though *happy*
Resting metabolism (RMR): 1417 kcal/day 59 kacl/hour

My sister will be here for a week, but I will do my best to be able to blog.

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